Content That Works


Castle Media Co. works with clients to create marketing content that tells your distinctive story, in your voice. Marketing is often the first interaction you have with customers, so it needs to create an experience that is genuine and captures the personality of the enterprise. Content marketing is effective when it clearly promotes your strengths, and explains what makes your business special. Good content and copywriting engages your audience so your brand is memorable, relatable, and distinct from your competitors.

Business Owners Struggle To Write Copy

It can be tempting to try and write your own copy. After all, who knows the company better than you – how hard can it be?! It can be pretty hard. For one thing, you don’t have time. If you do have time, it would probably be better spent doing things you’re good at, like building relationships, strategizing, and making business plans. Creating good content is an integral part of effective marketing. Without it, no one will stay on your website to learn more, your emails will go in the trash, and your social media won’t reach the intended audience. An experienced copywriter knows how to create a compelling experience for readers so they will stick around and pay attention.

Turns out, staring into space doesn’t actually produce much-needed copy.

Writing good copy and creating powerful content demands a lot of time and energy. It requires specific skills like developing unique selling propositions, answering customer pain points, telling your brand story in a consistent voice, and optimizing all that content so someone actually finds it online.

At Castle Media Co., we integrate essential marketing elements seamlessly in a way that helps you speak to your potential customers, address their questions, and motivate them to engage with your business.

People find it’s actually really hard to write their own marketing materials.

Hiring a Professional Copywriter Makes Businesses More Successful

Digital marketing efforts are useless if they don’t inspire someone to spend more time on your website, sign up for your newsletter and email list, following you on social media, and, ultimately, choose to buy from you. Strong content and good copywriting leads your customers through a journey. It attracts their interest because they relate to you in some way. With their attention, you educate them about how you solve their problem. Ultimately, they want to purchase from you because they trust your business.

We can help you with all your marketing needs – in print and online. From website content and blogs, social media content and newsletters, to traditional print brochures, advertisements and company branding materials. Our services are always customized to meet your specific needs – we’d love to tell your story!

We can help you with all your marketing needs – in print and online!

Something Exciting is HERE!

89% of consumers research local businesses online – make sure they find YOU!

We’ve developed a modern business directory for local Maine businesses only that is the ideal way for your potential customers to find and learn about your business online!

Content Marketing

Drive Engagement & Sales

Digital and print marketing efforts should drive your customers to take an action! You need a targeted plan, and content written with intentional purpose.



Build Brand Awareness

Get a new website for your business or update your existing site to work effectively for your digital marketing needs – all our websites are created with YOUR customer in mind!



Strengthen Brand Image

Unique, tailored copy written specifically for your marketing, communications and business needs, in a tone that captures the personality of your business.



Increase SEO & Understanding

The BEST way to build content! Build credibility as an industry expert, answer your FAQs, drive traffic to your website, and create organic SEO with blogging.


Email Marketing

Stay In Touch & Drive Traffic

A perfect way to communicate consistently with your customers. Email newsletters inform, educate, offer calls to action for sales, and drive traffic to your website.



Share Your Message Your Way

Create a perfect business product or fulfill your dream by writing and publishing a book. We can help you will every aspect of self-publishing - stop talking about it and make it happen!


Chris Bouchard

Noelle helped me increase the quality and longevity of my blogs. She has been coming up with 99% of the topics, doing the research, and only touching base when she needed more information about how I run things for my business. Being a business owner is tough and getting help is crucial… you can’t do it all yourself. We don’t succeed alone. Enough with the “business lessons”, I am here to tell you that using Noelle for blog writing has been immensely helpful, she takes great pride in what she does, and it shows in the content she provides you with. As I rebrand and work toward new goals, there isn’t a fraction of doubt about who I can reach out to when I need help with website copy, SEO, and anything marketing related. A+, hire someone trusted… every time. Thank you for all the help! It has kept me above water!

Chris Bouchard

Milly Welsh

On the internet content is king! Websites and SEO depend heavily on good content, and Noelle provides that invaluable service for my clients. She not only is a great writer, but she understands the importance of incorporating keywords and long-tail search terms into content – a skill I have found lacking in most copywriters. Her curiosity and enthusiasm for individual businesses allows her to really draw out the personality of a business and write great copy and content for them!

Milly Welsh

Scott Kidder

Noelle has really stepped up to be an extension of our marketing team. After we hired her to do a brochure for us, she helped us develop our new website. She facilitated the website development process, working with the designer and web developer, keeping everyone on track, communicating among the team, and she wrote all the content for the website. Noelle now works with us consistently throughout the year, providing our marketing and brand messaging for client communications, sales presentations, print marketing materials, and other branding efforts. Noelle prepares the content for our e-newsletters, writes our website News blogs, and helps with our social media outreach. Now that she is so integrated into our culture, we don’t hesitate to ask her to help with any project that requires clear and well-written communication. Noelle is an invaluable asset to Colonial Adjustment!

Scott Kidder

Danielle Lehoux

Noelle does a great job on our blogs and is a pleasure to work with! She writes original content that is informative and educational for our clients, demonstrating we have market knowledge and expertise without being too pushy about it. We’ve noticed an uptick in our newsletter sign-ups since we starting having a blog, which is fantastic for our lead generation.

Danielle Lehoux

Philip Smith

Noelle has helped revamp my website content considerably. She has written new content for me, edited my existing site for keywords and better onsite SEO. She really captures the spirit and essence of what I want clients to envision with my services. In short, she is a editing and word crafting wizard!!! I highly recommend Noelle for your website pages, blogging, and marketing needs!

Philip Smith

Justin Zandan

I work with Noelle on a regular basis for my marketing and brand messaging needs. She wrote the content for our new website, and really captured the personality of the business, making suggestions along the way for ways to communicate our services to customers better. I was so happy with her abilities and enthusiasm, that we now have her do our blogging on a regular basis, and prepare our eNewsletters for us. I turn to Noelle when I need help with any marketing materials, and I know she will tackle projects effectively.

Justin Zandan

Steve Morrison

Noelle prepared the content for our new website in 2017, and since has worked with us to develop new blogs, do e-newsletters and market our listings. She also does our email marketing and much of our print advertising. She developed our business Facebook social media, and has done regular posting for us. Noelle just gets what needs to be done, and does it – she’s awesome!

Steve Morrison
Owner/Designated Broker / Morrison Real Estate

Luanne Cameron

Noelle has been instrumental in helping me get my book written! She has worked with me each step of the way, assisting me in developing my manuscript, setting goals and deadlines, and editing and organizing the content. I could not have done it without her!!

Luanne Cameron

Norman Roy

We had a website that was really ineffective, and Noelle worked with us to design and create a new website. She spent time with us to talk through all our services and business goals, edited what materials we had to work with, and wrote very thorough and catchy content for all the new pages. She made many recommendations for the new site that we would never have thought of for our marketing which was great! We feel our new website really represents our business. We LOVE our new site!

Norman Roy

Scott Rowley

I have worked with Noelle on various digital and print marketing projects that she was providing the marketing direction and/or copywriting for. Noelle makes project flow easier by being very organized, has great attention to detail, and is very patient. I like that her attitude is one of open communication, follows art direction, and expands on creative concepts beyond the original approach, all of which makes for a final product beyond the client expectation. I don’t hesitate to call Noelle when I need marketing and copywriting partnership on a project!

Scott Rowley

JoAnne Christman

Noelle helped me update the copy on my website for new services I was adding, and to improve my current page content. It was so worth it! I never realized how much goes into optimizing content for good search results. I enjoy writing, but I just never get the time to sit down and do it. I really felt that Noelle was genuinely interested in my business, and she captured my services and the manner in which I work with clients very well. She has since started adding blogs to my site, and helping me with various updates. She really knows her stuff!

JoAnne Christman
Owner / Tint LLC

Real Estate Done Nicely

We have worked with Noelle to update our website content, add blogs to our site, and do our monthly email newsletter for us. She has added several blogs to the website that answer client questions, and demonstrate our expertise in real estate. She also designed an email newsletter for us that picks up our branding beautifully, and she wrote the monthly content for us which made getting newsletters out regularly much easier for us. We would recommend Castle Media to any business needing customized help with their marketing!

Pam & Keith Nicely

Niki Sargent

Sometimes we forget to appreciate the people who help us in unique ways. I’m grateful for all your guidance, feedback & natural ability to tame my fiery spirit while still capturing my passion in a professional manner! 💗 Thank you!!!

Niki Sargent

Gayle Workman

I wanted to thank you for everything! I love all the written content you did for the website - it was just what I wanted!

Gayle Workman