Content That Works

Author: Noelle Castle

3 Questions a Good Website Homepage Answers

Noelle Castle 26th March 2024
Your homepage is without doubt one of the most important pages of your website. Because it typically will get the bulk of your website traffic, it’s critical that it answers a visitor’s key initial questions: Who are you? What do you do? How can you help? Outlive the “Blink Test” You’ve got around 8 seconds (at most) for a visitor to your website to decide if they want to stay on your site and look around. For this reason, you MUST summarize some key details about your business pretty darn fast. If a visitor can’t tell immediately who you are,…

Send Business Emails & Newsletters? Know these Important Changes to Email Deliverability Rules

Noelle Castle 2nd February 2024
Don't let your emails go into customer SPAM! Be sure you take these steps to ensure your emails get through. Last October, both Yahoo! and Google announced they will be tightening up their bulk sender policies. The goal is to reduce the spam that hits our email inboxes from bulk email senders. To try to combat this, Yahoo! and Google (Gmail), will restrict unauthenticated email coming into their systems. If you send bulk emails from your business to your customers or other email lists, YOUR emails may soon be blocked. These new rules take effect in February 2024 (so, NOW). While these…

7 Reasons Nobody is Engaging with Your Social Media Posts (and How to Fix It)

Noelle Castle 8th September 2020
You keep hearing about the importance of social media to build your business. You see your colleagues’ posts getting some action, but nobody is Liking, Commenting or Sharing anything you post! What gives?! There are actually a number of good reasons why your social media efforts are falling flat. Here is a down and dirty list of some of the reasons why, and what you can do about it: You Post All About YOU Keep in mind that your professional social media sites are not your personal online journal. While you should be yourself and let people get to know…

Digital Marketing Forums are now WEBINARS!

Noelle Castle 24th April 2020
We don't want to stop helping small businesses just because of social distancing requirements so we've adapted our spring schedule of workshops into interactive, live webinars! We’re excited to make this adjustment so no one misses out on the opportunity to learn these valuable digital marketing skills. If you are working on your own marketing efforts and looking for affordable help and answers - don't miss our Digital Marketing Forums! What better way to spend your sheltering-in-place time than to work on some professional improvement?! Each workshop is being offered via Zoom, and we still have room so register online via the…

Some Business Advice During COVID-19

Noelle Castle 25th March 2020
With business NOT as usual - what can you be doing during these extraordinary times to keep your business moving forward? Focus on what you can do, not what you can’t. It's hard to not get discouraged, to not consume too much pandemic news and the fusillade of disturbing stories. None of this will move you forward, however. Instead of focusing on what stands in your way, keep your mind productive and positive. Clean up your office, update your customer database, learn something new. What is one thing you can do today, or this week, that will support your business…

How Can You Market Your Business During COVID-19?

Noelle Castle 25th March 2020
I know it’s a time when a lot of us – businesses included – are just hunkering down and waiting this thing out. Or hoping we can. As business owners we're trying to keep things going, but there is no doubt that business is NOT as usual. Are you wondering, is it even an appropriate time to continue to do any marketing of your business? I know a lot of us are struggling. Anxiety is running very high; people are worried and scared for any number of good reasons. We’re worried about our health and the health of our family,…